Home Talking Points Hathras Case: A murder and a Deliberate Killing of System.

Hathras Case: A murder and a Deliberate Killing of System.

Hathras Case: A murder and a Deliberate Killing of System.

The recent gang rape and murder of a Dalit girl in Hathras district of Uttar Pradesh reminds us of the terrible memories of Nirbhaya Kanda eight years ago.

The rapists of the Nirvaya rape case would not have been punished if the ruling party of that time had not allowed opposition parties to take it to the streets to protest. What would be the outcome today, if the ruling party doesn’t allow the media to reach the victim’s house and the lawyers cannot reach the victim’s house?

Let’s go to the Hathras. After the victim had died in the hospital, a top police official in Aligarh said that in the preliminary doctor’s report, there was no evidence that the girl had been sexually assaulted. After that, Uttar Pradesh police claimed that there was no rape sign in the forensic report.

But the victim told the police in the hospital that she was raped. Now the question is….why did the police quickly burn the victim’s body without taking it to the family?

Some videos went viral in Indian media, including the video of Hathras District Magistrate. He was framed threatening the family members of the victim. In the viral video, the district magistrate was found telling the family members,

“Half the media is gone. The other half will be gone. We’ll be the only ones. It’s up to you to change the statement.”

According to police sources, the four accused she had named in the death warrant were all from the Thakur community. It is a high-caste community in Uttar Pradesh and has a lot of influence in the BJP in Uttar Pradesh. So is it the Uttar Pradesh Police Administration’s arrangement to keep the BJP’s attitude intact?

From the way the Uttar Pradesh administration has surrounded the village by threatening Indian media, opposition leaders, and ordinary people after the brutal incident, one thing is clear that Indian democracy is in danger. Even the Delhi Nirvaya family’s lawyer Seema Samridhi Kushwaha was not allowed to enter the village to give legal support to Hathras’ Dalit family. Have the Uttar Pradesh administrations forgotten that we live in a democratic country and that the media is the fourth pillar of democracy?

However, under political pressure, the Uttar Pradesh government has set up a special investigation team to investigate the whole incident. But the way the law has been broken in Uttar Pradesh, the justice that the victim’s family will get after the investigation is in big question. But this question is not only a legal issue, it is also an important political question.

 In the dark of the night, if the woman journalist from India Today couldn’t ask the question “Ye Jal kya Raha hai?”, we would not have known today the misdeeds of the Uttar Pradesh Police. Her bold journalism will be an example to all the Indian media.

In this situation, every other public media should be following this question. The way her question has shaken the system, it is expected that the rest of the journalists will be brave enough to get an answer to the question.

Indians know well why the body was not given to the family and the body was deliberately burnt to destroy the evidence. In fact, narrow politics is taking the upper hand over the justice.


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