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Durga Puja 2021: Kolkata Durga Puja may get the ‘International Festival’ badge by UNESCO

Durga Puja 2021: Kolkata Durga Puja may get the ‘International Festival’ badge by UNESCO

Info4Now (Kolkata) -After the recognition of Durga Puja as a ‘Mega Festival’ by the National Geographic Channel, Durga Puja may get the ‘International Festival’ badge by UNESCO. The idea of ‘unity in diversity’ has caught the attention of UNESCO officials. A couple of years ago the West Bengal state government had already appealed to UNESCO to give Durga Puja the badge of a traditional international festival. But in the end ‘Durga Puja’ did not get that recognition. This time before Durga Puja 2021, the tourism department has sent a letter with the same request.

Durga puja is not only the celebration of the life of Bengalis but also the outward manifestation of the heart. It is not bounded by any particular religion or caste. And the West Bengal state government is again eager to get the recognition of Durga Puja as an international festival. In fact, the state government’s tourism department has already requested the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) for international recognition for the Bengali’s best festival.

Indranil Sen, Minister of State for Tourism of W.B. Govt., said, “The honorable Chief Minister, Mamata Banerjee is presenting Durgapuja to the world from all angles, from Kolkata to districts and even in remote villages. The Red Road Carnival at the end of the puja is one of the most interesting events. That is why the tourism department has appealed to UNESCO.”

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According to sources, the Union Ministry of Human Resource Development has already sent the application to the right place. This time the representatives of different countries will evaluate the application about Durga Puja’s international recognition. UNESCO has so far recognized six festivals around the world in terms of the cultural heritage of human civilization. Festivals of only 6 countries in the world like France, Belgium, Switzerland, Brazil, Bolivia have gotten UNESCO’s recognition.

On the other side, there are only 48 days left for Durga Puja 2021. Preparations for the biggest Bengali festival have already started from district to city. But like the last time, again the outbreak of the coronavirus has worried everyone. Experts fear that the third wave of Corona may reach its peak in October, the month of festivals. In such a situation, the festival committees are naturally more vigilant. The puja committees have started preparations by following the administrative restrictions imposed in Durga Puja 2020.

Durga Puja 2020
Durga Puja in Kolkata

Dr. S.P. Sinha, a famous general physician said, “It is not possible to say in advance when the third wave will come. Caution must be maintained. Maybe the peak of the third wave will not rise. Another possibility is that the peak will rise for a short period and will start falling immediately. Like last year, we have to show restraint again.”

Now every Bengali is waiting for the covid panic to go away. They are eagerly waiting to hang out for Durga Puja 2021, enjoy together, perceive ‘Durga Thakur’ in queue.

By Amir Uddin Ahammad

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