Home News: Short of a Length Afghanistan Airport Attack: A Series of Bomb Blasts Killed 90 People in Kabul

Afghanistan Airport Attack: A Series of Bomb Blasts Killed 90 People in Kabul

Afghanistan Airport Attack: A Series of Bomb Blasts Killed 90 People in Kabul
Photo Credit : Metziker (Flickr)

Info4Now – Afghanistan Airport Attack: Kabul’s Hamid Karzai International Airport was trembled by a series of explosions on Thursday night. At that time, thousands of Afghans gathered at the airport to leave the ‘Taliban Occupied Afghanistan’. According to the latest news, 90 people including 13 US Army soldiers have been killed and over 150 people are injured in the blast. Number of deaths are expected to rise further.

Current ‘acting president’ of Afghanistan, Amrullah Saleh made an allegation about Taliban-ISIS collusion behind Kabul attack. He also poked Pakistan to condemn the loss of life in the series of blasts. He posted on his Twitter account, “Every evidence we have in hand shows that IS-K cells have their roots in Talibs & Haqqani network particularly the ones operating in Kabul. Talibs denying links with ISIS is identical/similar to the denial of Pakistan on Quetta Shura. Talibs have learned very well from the master”.

Although, ISIS claimed responsibility for the attack, saying it was aimed at interpreters and others who were assisting US forces. Meanwhile, the US A has also pointed the finger at ISIS for the horrific explosion. In this context, it is worth mentioning that this is the biggest attack on US forces in Afghanistan since 2011. Ten years ago, an army helicopter was shot down in Afghanistan. Twenty U.S. soldiers were killed in that incident.

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President Joe Biden appeared in the US control room shortly after the news of the first explosion. He held talks with army officials and other government officials and made it clear that The United States will not bow to terrorism. He also said that rescue operations would continue for the helpless Afghans and Americans trapped in Afghanistan until the deadline set by the Taliban which is August 31.

The U.S. president then issued a stern warning to ISIS, saying “To those who carried out this attack, as well as anyone who wishes America harm, know this: We will not forgive; we will not forget”. He also added, “We will hunt you down and make you pay. I will defend our interests in our people with every measure at my command.”

India has also strongly condemned such attacks by ISIS in Afghanistan. The official statement said, “We extend our heartfelt condolences to the families of victims of this terrorist attack. Today’s attacks reinforce the need for the world to stand unitedly against terrorism and all those who provide sanctuaries to terrorists.” The Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Boris Johnson and the Secretary-General of the United Nations Antonio Guterres also condemned.

Meanwhile, the United States has decided to mourn the death of 13 US troops during the rescue operation for Afghan civilians. The country’s national flag will be flown at half-mast until the evening of August 30.

By Amir Uddin Ahammad

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