How to Create, Buy and Sell Non-Fungible Tokens

Illustration of Non-Fungible Tokens

(Info4Now)-Non Fungible Tokens (NFTs) are a unique type of digital asset. They are gaining a lot of popularity and have become the talk of the town. It is a revolutionary idea that will change the meaning of digital content. NFT will soon become the game-changer in the industry. NFTs are unique and can be rare, which means only a few numbers of them will exist. Recently NBA used NFTs to present various video clips of highlights from basketball games. You need to know how to create NFT, buy and sell it on various platforms and marketplaces.

How To Create Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs)?

Non-Fungible Tokens in text

You can choose from a wide range of NFT ideas to begin creating an NFT. All you need is to create a file and offer it for a sale. It can be a picture like JPG or PNG that must feature a movement like a GIF. Users can use audio files and combine them with music or visual file. The best thing is that you can use a 3D printing model in your NFT. You don’t have to be a professional in the crypto industry to create an NFT. However, a vast majority of independent creators use Ethereum blockchain for creating an NFT of their choice.

How To Buy NFTs?

Many digital marketplaces require you to use a digital wallet to purchase an NFT. The only exception is NBA Top shot which can accept payment via credit card. For now, the major crypto forms include ETH, BTC, and BCH. The company plans to add additional options for the convenience of users. Many blockchains don’t integrate naturally though. The number of markets for purchasing an NFT continues to increase in number. As of now, the most popular marketplaces include:

  • OpenSea
  • Rarible
  • SuperRare
  • Nift Gateway
  • Foundation
  • Axie Marketplace

You need to consider the following factors before purchasing an NFT:

  • What marketplace do you want to buy an NFT from?
  • How can you connect with the platform using a wallet?
  • Which cryptocurrency do you need to purchase NFT?
  • Is the NFT sold at a particular time?

How to Sell NFTs?

All the users can simply pick the NFT they want to sell in the NFT market. It will take you to the pricing page and select your options for sale. Whether you fix a price or put your NFTs for auction will be up to your choice. You can accept any method of payment considering what is offered on the platform. However, according to CoinDesk, Ether and ERC-20 tokens are the most prominent cryptocurrencies for selling NFTs. You can set up an auction for 24 hours and get the best of results.


We hope that you have a better understanding of what an NFT is and how you can enter into this exciting world. You need to know about a learning curve to decentralize the technology in your favor. It is important not to get discouraged as you are dealing with a new and unique experiment. We can’t wait to see what NFTs you can want to purchase and sell!


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